Parents and Volunteers

Parents’ Responsibilities

By enrolling in OPEPO, each family commits to volunteering time supporting the students (either regularly, or for special events such as field trips), and serving on at least one committee. Monthly parent meetings are an essential part of the program.

Every home situation is different, and we understand that meeting the requested 6 hours of volunteer time per month can be a challenge for some families. It’s true that the enrichment and family-connection activities available in the OPEPO program are planned by parents, and so sometimes require a great deal of volunteer time and effort. However, we understand that there will be times when parents need to prioritize work and homelife in order to support their students. We ask that families fit OPEPO activities in where it makes sense and allows a healthy balance.

Having parents actively involved with the children’s educational life is an essential facet of the program. Here are some specific ways families can participate:

Providing volunteer help in the classroom on a regular basis: The teachers welcome parent support in the classroom.

Volunteering in support of specific activities: For parents whose schedule precludes regular in-classroom work, other projects such as field trips, or volunteering from home planning and supporting special events.

Attending monthly parent meetings: These are held one evening a month and last roughly 2 hours. Parent meetings are a forum for community dialogue and sharing of information; decisions are made by consensus.

Being a member of and regularly attending meetings of at least one committee or special project task force: Parents are expected to attend scheduled committee meetings. Committees include: Enrichment, Enrollment, Fundraising, Vision and Frameworks. Committees typically meet monthly for roughly an hour. Throughout the year, special projects may create additional opportunities to get involved with OPEPO. All committees send a representative to a monthly Steering Committee meeting, which sets the agenda for the Parent Meeting.

Being aware of and involved with your child’s program: This happens through frequent contact with OPEPO staff, by attending parent conferences, by talking with your child about school, and by reading the weekly Friday Letter.

Please Support the OPEPO Parent Association

We are a non-profit organization under IRC 501(c)(3)